Engineering Physics


Unit 1

Wave Optics

Newton’s Rings, Michelson’s Interferometer, Fraunhofer Diffraction from a Single Slit. Diffraction grating: Construction, theory and spectrum, Resolving power and Rayleigh criterion for limit of resolution, Resolving power of diffraction grating, X-Ray diffraction and Bragg’s Law.

Unit 2

Quantum Mechanics

Introduction to quantum Mechanics, Wave-particle duality, Matter waves, Wave unction and basic postulates, Time dependent and time independent Schrodinger’s Wave Equation, Physical interpretation of wave function and its properties, Applications of the Schrodinger’s Equation:Particle in one dimensional and three dimensional boxes.

Unit 3

Coherence and Optical Fibers

Spatial and temporal coherence: Coherence length; Coherence time and ‘Q’ factor for light, Visibility as a measure of Coherence and spectral purity, Optical fiber as optical wave guide, Numerical aperture; Maximum angle of acceptance and applications of optical fiber.

Unit 4


Einstein’s Theory of laser action; Einstein’s coefficients; Properties of Laser beam, Amplification of light by population inversion, Components of laser, Construction and working of He-Ne and semiconductor lasers, Applications of Lasers in Science, engineering and medicine.

Unit 5

Material Science & Semiconductor Physics

Bonding in solids: covalent and metallic bonding, Energy bands in solids: Classification of solids as Insulators, Semiconductors and Conductors, Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, Fermi dirac distribution function and Fermi energy, Conductivity in semiconductors, Hall Effect: Theory, Hall Coefficient and applications.

Unit 6

Introduction to Electromagnetism

Divergence and curl of electrostatic field, Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations for electrostatic potential, Bio-Savart law, Divergence and curl of static magnetic field, Faraday’s law, Displacement current and magnetic field arising from time dependent electric field, Maxwell’s equations, Flow of
energy and Poynting vector.

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Engineering Physics Lab Manual


Engineering Physics Lab Work


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Engineering Physics Nk

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