Engineering Chemistry


Unit 1


Common impurities, hardness, determination of hardness by complexometric (EDTA method), Degree of hardness, Units of hardness Municipal water supply: Requisite of drinking water, Purification of water; sedimentation, filtration, disinfection, breakpoint chlorination. Boiler troubles: Scale and Sludge formation, Internal treatment methods, Priming and Foaming, Boiler corrosion and Caustic embrittlement Water softening; Lime-Soda process, Zeolite (Permutit) process, Demineralization process. Numerical problems based on Hardness, EDTA, Lime-Soda and Zeolite process.

Unit 2

Organic Fuels

Solid fuels
Coal, Classification of Coal, Proximate and Ultimate analyses of coal and its significance, Gross and Net Calorific value, Determination of Calorific value of coal by Bomb Calorimeter. Metallurgical coke, Carbonization processes; Otto-Hoffmann by-product oven method.

Liquid fuels

 Advantages of liquid fuels, Mining, Refining and Composition of petroleum, Cracking, Synthetic petrol, Reforming, Knocking, Octane number, Anti-knocking agents, Cetane number.

Gaseous fuels

 Advantages, manufacturing, composition and Calorific value of coal gas and oil gas, Determination of calorific value of gaseous fuels by Junker’s calorimeter

Numerical problems based on determination of calorific value (bomb calorimeter/Junkers calorimeter/ Dulongs formula, proximate analysis & ultimate and combustion of fuel.

Unit 3

Coherence and Optical Fibers

Definition and significance of corrosion, Mechanism of chemical (dry) and electrochemical (wet) corrosion, galvanic corrosion, concentration corrosion and pitting corrosion. Protection from corrosion; protective coatings-galvanization and tinning, cathodic protection, sacrificial anode and modifications in design.

Unit 4

Engineering Materials

Portland Cement

 Definition, Manufacturing by Rotary kiln. Chemistry of setting and hardening of cement. Role of Gypsum.


 Definition, Manufacturing by tank furnace, significance of annealing, Types and properties of soft glass, hard glass, borosilicate glass, glass wool, safety glass


 Classification, Mechanism, Properties; Viscosity and viscosity index, flash and fire point, cloud and pour point. Emulsification and steam emulsion number.

Unit 5

Organic reaction mechanism and introduction of drugs

Organic reaction mechanism: Substitution; SN1, SN2, Elecrophilic aromatic substitution in benzene, free radical halogenations of alkanes, Elimination; elimination in alkyl halides, dehydration of alcohols, Addition: electrophilic and free radical addition in alkenes, nucleophilic addition in aldehyde and ketones, Rearrangement; Carbocation and free radical rearrangements


 Introduction, Synthesis, properties and uses of Aspirin, Paracetamol

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